CCM Nepal conducted “Provincial Level Civil Society Engagement Consultation Meeting” at four Provinces namely Gandaki Province, Province number 5, Karnali Province and Sudurpaschim Province from 13-19th January 2020 with the support of the Global Fund(GF), Save the Children, FHI 360, UNAIDS, USAID and APCASO.
The objectives of the meeting were:
- To foster harmony and solidarity building among Civil Society (CS) and Key Population (KP) community members in the provinces.
- To share and discuss on the Country’s GF Grants, PEPFAR and Country’s HIV/AIDS, TB and Malaria epidemiology, National HIV Strategic Plan(NHSP), National Malaria Strategic Plan(NMSP) and National Tuberculosis Strategic Plan(NTSP).
In the meeting, orientation was provided on the following topics:
- The GF and CCM
- The GF HIV, TB and Malaria program implementation in respective provinces
- Effective KP and CS community engagement
- PEPFAR Regional Operational Plan (ROP) 2019 priorities and progress
- ROP 2020 priorities and process.
The discussion was done on the role and expectation of KP/CS on NHSP, NMSP and NTSP review and proposal development for the Global Fund and PEPFAR ROP 2020. Action plans were developed on way forward for NHSP, NMSP and NTSP review, country dialogue process of the GF and PEPFAR ROP 2020.
Insights from the meetings and the community recommendations will be incorporated for NHSP, NMSP and NTSP review and development of the new proposals for the Global Fund and PEPFAR ROP 2020.