Meeting with Tuberculosis Sub-recipient was conducted successfully!

As per the CCM’s oversight plan, the CCM OC organized a meeting with sub-recipients (SRs) working on tuberculosis (TB) in meeting hall of National Centre for AIDS and STD Control (NCASC) on 11th June 2019. This document gives a summary of the key findings and discussion in the sharing meeting.

In the meeting, four TB-SRs Nepal Anti-Tuberculosis Association (NATA), National Association of PLWHA in Nepal (NAP+N), Health Research and Social Development (HERD) and Birat Nepal Medical Trust (BNMT) presented their program, target versus achievement and challenges.

The findings and issues of the TB SRs meeting will be presented in CCM meeting in order to prepare the plan of action.

Ms. Sanu Shrestha, Program Manager of NATA presenting the program brief, achievement and challenges.
Mr. Amit Bikram Rai, Program Manager of NAP+N presenting the program brief, achievement and challenges.
Mr. Yadav Kumar Thapa, Program Manager of HERD presenting the program brief, achievement and challenges

Mr. Mahendra Prasad Shrestha, Chair of Oversight Committee and Chief of Health Coordination Division expressing vote of thanks and way forward during closing session. 

Basic Workshop on Improving KP and CSO engagement of CCM Nepal

CCM Nepal in collaboration with APCASO, regional technical committee for civil society and supported by BACKUP Health GIZ organized basic workshop on improving KP & CSO engagement of CCM Nepal in 24-26 May, 2019. The workshop was successful because of facilitator CCMN Vice-Chair Achut Sitoula, co-facilitator- Mahesh Sharma, executive commitee member Ujjwal Karmacharya and representatives from Principal Recipient Rajan Bhattarai, and to the dedicated network and CS partners because of which there was insightful and honest yet constructive discussions.