CCM Nepal Election 2022

CCM Nepal is preparing for CCM Nepal Election 2022. A CCM election committee has been formed by the Executive Committee of CCM Nepal on 28th June 2021. The committee comprised three members namely

  1. Mr Bhim Prasad Sapkota, SPHA, MoHP (previously Ms. Yeshoda Aryal, SPHA, MoHP)
  2. Mr Bharat Raj Sharma, Under Secretary, Ministry of Women, Childrenand Senior Citizen
  3. Ms Ivana Lohar, USAID

UNAIDS and WHO is providing technical support for the CCM Nepal election 2022.

Revision and Resubmission of COVID-19 Response Mechanism (C19RM) Full Funding Request (FFR)

CCM Nepal is pleased to share that more funding is available under COVID-19 Response Mechanism (C19RM) Full Funding Request.

CCM Nepal has submitted C19RM FFR to the Global Fund (TGF) on 1st June 2021. After the submission, Ms. Nicole Delaney, Senior Fund Portfolio Manager to Nepal, TGF sent an email on 9th June 2021 addressing to Honorable Secretary, MoHP and CCM Nepal requesting resubmission of C19RM FFR to include a more ambitious ask to address current critical COVID needs in Nepal.

Furthermore, an urgent virtual meeting with Country Team(CT) of TGF was held on 9th June 2021 where CT provided input and suggestion regarding revision and resubmission of C19RM FFR.

Subsequently, a Core Task Team meeting was held virtually on 11th June 2021 to discuss on revision and resubmission of C19RM FFR to TGF. All the consultation meeting reports will be revisited and reviewed and priority activities will be pulled out.

CCM Nepal encourages to share your input/recommendation to be included in the revised C19RM FFR. Let’s make maximum utilization of this golden opportunity. #LeaveNoOneBehind#covid19reponse

The Fast Track Funding Application Request of USD 5,098,263 for COVID-19 Response Mechanism (C19RM) successfully submitted to the Global Fund

CCM Nepal is pleased to share that Fast Track Funding Application Request of USD 5,098,263 for COVID-19 Response Mechanism (C19RM) has been successfully submitted to the Global Fund(TGF) on 3rd May 2021. This funding application request to TGF was endorsed by ICS and also by CCM Members/Alternates in the 115th CCM meeting held on 29th April 2021. The fast track funding application includes the urgently needed health products and services including:

  1. PPE: masks (N-95, surgical), gloves, gowns, face shields, goggles
  2. SARS CoV-2 Antigen test kits
  3. SARS CoV-2 PCR test kits
  4. Viral transport media (VTM)
  5. High flow nasal cannula (HFNC) for oxygen delivery
  6. Oxygen cylinders and concentrators

CCM Nepal would like to thank MoHP, NCASC, NTCC, EDCD, NPHL, Management Division, EDPs, SCI (PR) and writing Consultant Dr. Janak Koirala, for their valuable time and effort which make timely submission of the Fast Track Funding Request possible.

Next, CCM Nepal will prepare for the submission of full phase funding application development process scheduled to be submitted by end of May 2021 through inclusive and transparent consultative process with the relevant stakeholders recommended by TGF.